Childhood Memories of Superheroes: As a child, Steve Austin, aka The Six Million Dollar Man, was one of the first superheroes I knew. One of my strongest and earliest memories is imitating the [...]
A popular genre in photography is wildlife photography, and it can be done by beginners, wildlife enthusiasts, as well as professionals alike. What Is Wildlife Photography? Generally speaking, [...]
Photography is a form of art that has captured people’s imagination since the camera’s inception. A camera can tell a story, and with the right equipment and lighting, you can create [...]
Are you one of those people thinking what contemporary photography is? You may already have a good idea of what photography means in your regular life. However, in this post we will explain what [...]
When we think about a picture, we think about what the photo is about. That is why abstract photography is so unique. Abstract art is created by taking a picture of something and then removing [...]